
I'm at home in casual clothes. There's a knife in my pocket. There's a flashlight standing on my desk, just outside of arm's reach, that I was able to hit with my eyes closed.

My EDC bag with two more flashlights, a multitool and a whistle/compass/thermometer is hanging on a coat tree about 6' behind me. I can get to it blind with only a little delay (to avoid trying to shift the couch with my little toe -- that hurts!).

I don't carry a bandana, though. It's never been my "style".

As to why I carry a whistle: I picked it up at REI before I ordered an AMK PSK. While I don't expect to ever need it, if I do, it would probably be . . . inconvenient . . . not to have it with me already.
Okey-dokey. What's plan B?