Originally Posted By: NightHiker
Originally Posted By: Russ
Done. Close eyes, stand up ... (However, having the flashlight in my pocket, I should have been allowed to open my eyes.) Walking a bit farther (continuing past my keys eyes closed) and I had my hands on a 4xAA LED and a mini-RSK. Every tool should have its place wink
Room filled with dense smoke (you should never have stood up) and the light from your flashlight just lit up the smoke - it's usless until you can get to the stairwell - even if your building doesn't have stairs laugh

I knew those D&D games as a kid would come in handy someday
Didn't see smoke in the scenario. . . The exterior door is closer than either light I needed braille to find. If there was heavy smoke, I'd go outside rather than further inside. I'd've grabbed the EDC kit and cell phone, and duck walked/crawled outside.
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??