Talk about needing things. One camping trip, a kid brought a watermelon, 2 1# Dinty Moore cans, and 1 16oz pineapple can. For a 10 day trip. And he had acid reflux.

Needless to say, that first night we ate his watermelon, threw the dinty moore into bear boxes (provided at the campsite, and we were doing a loop) and he ate the pineapple. And then proceeded to get diarrhea through his, my brother's, and my TP supply.

NOT a happy camper in the morning, as I dragged him, still in his bag, out of his tent to scream his ear off.

BTW, he actually went home later that day, since he wasn't hacking the hike for a few reasons. His 'buddy' brought a new roll of TP back with him when he caught up to us. Nice 2-ply stuff.