Since your a Scout leader which must mean that you are outdoors often..... I wonder if you might like a larger neckerchef? i make mine from cotton, and have a bunch. Some are bright colors like yellow , black, camo, all 36"x36".<br><br>I have a black silk one too for winter.... I wear these as warmers or coolers, to filter dust, and smoke when need as Doug says.... The 36"x36" can be used as a sling, and makes what I think is a better head covering. There is more than 1 way to fix this as a head covering too.<br><br>just my 2 cents.. I like the rags bigger...... any fabric store has this on rolls.... depending on what I want I ususally buy a bunch, and figure away to get several 36x36 and 24x24 by tearing.... washing gives then a fuzzy border........