Originally Posted By: MDinana
Timely thread, as I just bought a new truck and decided to get a patch kit. Glad the "cheapie" from AutoZone is probably good enough around town. And glad my truck has a full size spare smile

Sue, my dad once used the Slime in the tire. It worked OK, but I hear the tire repair shops hate it. Plus, I've got my own concerns about how how it affects cars with tire sensors.

For the rest, when sewing a tire, do you plug inbetween the stitches then? Or do you actually tie it tight enough to block leaks? Are you just bringing the tire together, or actually overlapping rubber? What kind of needle, as I figure a regular sewing needle is a bit thin for this task?

"Fix-A-Flat" was one of my favorite products, until I had a job repairing tires in high school 22 years ago... Then it became my arch nemesis (sp?)

TPM (Tire Pressure Monitor) devices in the wheels are replaceable, and "Slime" is one of the biggest reasons why.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.