Hi, my name is Peter and I am a hoarder.

Trust me when I say it is not an easy habit/behavior to break, my mother was a hoarder, she was child of the Depression and valued everything regardless if she would ever actually need the item. I think the behavior is a combination of genetic predisposition, such as having OCD, learned and environmental factors. I know I have a touch of OCD tendencies, combined with exposure to my mother’s hoarding predilection and growing up relatively poor; I have a tendency to drift towards hoarding behaviors. It is difficult to explain to someone without these tendencies how hard it is, emotionally to get rid of things. For me, I can and do get rid of things, but sometimes it sometimes requires emotionally wrestling with myself.

Most hoarders, I suspect have great intentions of being organized, but it starts to get away from them and before they know it, they are surrounded by stuff and sometimes even what most of us would consider garbage. If the situation is severe enough, assistance of mental health professionals will be necessary to really effect a true change in behavior.

Good luck-