Originally Posted By: Nicodemus
Originally Posted By: Susan
The whole preparedness thing is often too much for many people to handle. Even if they have a bit of interest, it appears too complicated.

I think this is a good point. If someone were to look at where I am now in terms of preparedness and didn't know the individual steps I took to get here, I could easily imagine it would appear to be a near Herculean feat not to mention a ridiculously expensive endeavor. And even though most people suggest taking small steps, if the steps aren't laid out it can appear to be too much of a task.

That's the same scenario as myself and a lot of my friend's situation with our offroad vehicles. People think we have sunk a lot of money into building them, when most of the stuff was done over time with free or cheap parts.

My BOB and home emergency supplies are getting the same way. Add one thing here and there and it adds up over time.