In the city, my home and car are my caches. If those are both destroyed I probably will have been toast, as well.

But as a mental exercise, I am mindful that I have hiking buddies in the Virginia and Maryland suburbs who have loads of gear and I am confident would assist. One of them recently had their home outfitted with a backup generator so I've already informed them that they are my first stop.

And my fully-stocked teardrop trailer is in storage out near the mountains. That'd be a 4-day hike.

Burying stuff around this city? No way.

No way you could do it without being seen -- non-federal, unpatrolled parkland is puny here. And if there's not a cop within sight there's surely a bum, mugger, dog-walker or bar-hopper looking or lurking around.

In the city, it's wise to get in the habit of carrying the legal basics at all times -- flashlight/headlamp, matches, knife, money, water purification tabs, nutrition bar, a heatsheet -- as compactly as you can. Those few items are doable in a briefcase or mid-size purse.

If disaster strikes the city, there's much to be said for being discreet.