Am, I certainly agree with using some sort of barrier-I just cannot bring myself to think that soaking myself down would be safe...I have visions of poached veggies in my head!!!

Arney, I agree with you there as well-I think the post its were purely for them. However, I would think in the heat, the glue would liquify & run-taking the note with it. And, finding them again, in a likely near-panic, blinded by smoke (lets face it, you will NOT be able to see, and, as sight is our primary sense, most of us would likely be borderline panicking once lost), may be near impossible. MY opinion is that its more of a placebo than anything else. I have been inside a couple of burning buildings, one an apartment directly above me, where only curtains were on fire. The whole apt was filled with smoke. Even with being familiar with the layout, crawling through thick smoke is VERY intimidating & disorienting. I foolishly went in to get their cat-who, as soon as the bedroom door opened, took off running....
my adventures