Blast: "However, I suspect such a letter would cause people just to get angry rather than take any additional responsiblity for their safety."

Yes, the knee-jerk-reaction reaction.

What about this:

Day One News Article: Property Taxes Increasing 50% to Cover Emergency Management Costs.

That's to get their attention.

Day Four News Article: Alternative to 50% Property Tax Hike

Explain how there just isn't enough money to be every citizen's mommy and daddy, and that if they don't want to pay up the nose, people need to make some attempt to take care of themselves.

Maybe have a Get Ready Fair (lots of advertising -- NOT on a weekend competing with something else) with examples of things to to do and to acquire.

Feed each section to them in bites, not a body slam that will make them do a 180 in the entrance. I would suggest having it categorized as to need, adult/teen, children, elderly, handicapped, pets, etc. Each section should be spaced apart from the rest, maybe having displays showing how to store it. Ask some stores to donate some freestanding storage units (with acknowledgments for some free advertising).

Example: Show two totes for Rover, one for his bag of dry kibble and the other for his tie-out chain (if the fence is knocked down or washes away), leash, brush, flea/tick preps, bowls, extra water, etc. And one for Miss Kitty, carrier, folding wire dog crate, tote for food, dishes, litter box and litter, etc. Emphasize the importance of identification.

Have tables with people showing how some of the useful things like vacuum sealers work (ask for free donations from the source for demonstration), homemade emergency stoves, regular easy-use stoves for the non-handy, and similar stuff.

Set up a demo display of an out-of-house emergency camp made from a large tarp, folding chairs,

Have some cheap printed booklets (3 big staples is a fine binding) with suggestion lists of what to stock, a list of good books for info, etc.

Bring in some sample water, gas and electric meters to demonstrate how to turn them off, and any warnings on turning them back on.

Make it cool, make it appeal to the gear junkies, make it easy to understand, make it do-able to the fearful.
