The way I figure it, I shouldn't be expecting some big governmental agency to be here right after an emergency fully prepared to grant my every wish/need/desire.

I don't even expect local government to be able to handle a major catastrophe.

I'm prepared to bug in for a couple/three weeks easy. Probably well over a month if we're smart. Bugging out, depending on the amount of warning we get, 5 days minimum... more than enough time to un*ss the AO and get to the in-laws. More than a few hours and we are again up the month time frame easy.

IMHO, the vast majority of people are unprepared for anything out of the ordinary. The power goes off for a few hours and people freak. A blizzard is forecast (ok, up to a foot of snow, but come on, it's the South) and we see people stocking up - on chips, beer and smokes. Totally without clue one.

I have the means, the training and the mindset to get through a lot of things. If Uncle comes along with some help, fine. If not, oh well, that's ok too. And all those "grasshoppers" will have to find out the hard way I guess.