Very interesting article and for me, more than just the intent of the article. You may note that in the illustration: BACTERIAL BALANCE reference is made to Helicobacter hepaticus or H. hepaticus. It just so happens in 1994(ish) I was part of a research team examining the possible causes of hepatocelluar carcinoma in a group of control mice, ultimately leading to the discovery that it was caused by a novel bacteria: H. hepaticus. I am one of the co-discoverers of H. hepaticus and co-hold a US patent for the organism.

Helicobacter hepaticus

Helicobacter hepaticus Patent

That information and $1.00 (perhaps $2-3 dollars now) will get you a cup of coffee. On a more serious note, there is increasing evidence that immunological and bacterial interactions may have a profound influence on the development of IBD and other intestinal inflammatory conditions.
