Originally Posted By: dweste
This is a thought experiment in which everything else stays the same, but you alone are challenged to live off the land legally. How would you rise to the chasllenge with what you know and have now?

I guess I just find the topic (just) out of scope for what I thought was the topic of equipped.org - survival preparedness for time-limited events and disasters. If your scenario challenges me - or us - to go live off the land for a year, that entails a significant general calamity or personal disaster. It makes a difference to know which one you mean. If I am burned out of my home, I find another one. If the 9.0 quake hits my area, I may move to another area. Its doubtful anything short of a nuclear strike - in which I as a survivor count myself extremely lucky (or not) to continue breathing - could cause me to migrate and start living off the land, and that seems a decidedly survival-ist scenario. There aren't many scenarios where I would either abandon the comforts of civilization or go back to the land on my shy half acre, which is presently unsuited to cultivation. Poverty alone doesn't make me a farmer or return me to migration.