Originally Posted By: NightHiker
Some people just don't get the NSEW thing, I've been working for 19 years to get my wife to be aware of which direction she's facing, she's just not wired that way.

This is more true than most people realize. I could get lost in a telephone booth. So I over-prepare with maps, compass, and gps. I constantly try to update myself as to my orientation and position. I'm still frequently wrong.

My wife and her father are homing pidgeons. They are the only members of their family like this. You could blindfold them, knock them out, take them to a strange city at night, and they can tell you where north is. Many times in the woods, my wife and I have different ideas as to which way to go, but I always listen to her. She's never been wrong yet.

I have no explanation for this, either.

I agree with other posters, when other people depend on you, especially kids, it drastically changes how you plan and approach things like this.