Thanks guys

I will be useing it for anything you can imagine from prying, splitting wood, cutting, scraping ..etc. A few days ago I used a knife to pry open a can of paint and the knife was "painted" and I didn't have near me anything to wipe it with. So, this tool will be there to do all the dirty work instead of my pocket knife.

Also I need onething in my life that I don't have to "be careful with". In this stressful life, we have to be careful about everything from people's feelings to the tip of a pocket knife. It's nice to feel relaxed with one tool that you can use and abuse with no consequences.

( sounds too phylosophical but it's true )

The EDO tool is the closest thing to what I need although I prefer the chisel head to be at soemthing like 70 degrees not 90. Problem is that Countycomm doesnt sell outside the U.S.

( I am not in the U.S. and I was thinking about starting a business after retirement and wonder if countycomm ..etc. will agree to having international distributers! ).

Anyway, my original thought was about McGyvering something.
I just remebered a friend who did some metal work for a project we were doing and maybe I'll talk to him and see whet he suggests. Maybe I can get a small blank from him (cheap or free) or get advice where to find a good machinist

OTOH, a long thick machete maybe narrow enough to convince me to do it myself. Advanatge over the EOD tool is that it will have a decent wooden handle. If I find one within $15, and it is no more than 2 inch wide, I will cut the length down to 3-4 inch long at about 70 degrees, and sharpen the front into a chisel edge.