Blast - That is the one I plan to get wink It's from old school refridgerated train trucks. HF had/has them rebuilt and they will run the home owner until they die. Those units if purchased new are 20,000$+ Keep in mind you still need a control box and a few other things.

Just look at the specs of that thing though...
1200rpm = Run forever & Cool
2.40 gallons per hour
20,000 watts!

Could power more than your house with that wink Sips gasoline compared to the medium size gas engines. It will last at least 10x longer than the gas engine that size. And the price is awesome.

Did I mention HF runs 20-30% off coupons wink

For the price that generator can not be beat.

(There are also other companies who rebuild and sell the same one as kits or as coplete units w/gas tanks, etc, if anyone is interested.)

Basically if you have 10,000$ to spend on a complete diesel setup those old diesels rebuilt are AWESOME.
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