Had a adolescent bust up her ankle at my wife's church the other day. (probably badly sprained, but xrays were needed to confirm no fracture).

By the time I wandered over, a former Firefighter already on the scene, immobilized the ankle, had ice on it and had individuals getting her grandfather to get the car to transport to ER.

What was there left for me to do (except stand there and look pretty?). I know! I can get an ACE wrap out of my car's FAK and let the firefighter use it to better secure the ankle. At least then I can feel like I contributed something except my good looks.

To my horrors, my car's FAK a victim of "being a work in progress". The ACE wrap on my shopping list had not made it into the FAK itself.

I did have a shemagh in the car's BOB that could be used as a triangle bandage. By the time I made it back to the scene, he had the young lady loaded up on grandpa's car and rolling to the ER.

Glad the FF was there to save the day. Regretting I had nothing to offer him in the way of assist.
samhain autumnwood