Here in Florida a whole lot of people feel that AC is a necessity. I always figured it was the height of irony to both move to sunny Florida and decide that you can't handle temperatures above 68F. I never feel right in a place that is that heavily conditioned.

I lived here for most of thirty years without AC. When the temperature and humidity got high you went down to shorts, ran a fan, and drank iced tea. Older now I run it some to take the edge off. It is set to run, and keep the humidity down, set at 83F. Pretty comfortable once your used to it. Nighttime I roll it down to a chilly 77F.

When the outside temps are below 88F day/ 78F night I turn off the AC and keep the window open and might run a fan.

People lived in Florida long before AC became common. Once you get used to it it isn't bad.