I'm new here, but thought this would be a good post to breakin on...

Having spent 34 years as a firefighter, and 8 as an EMT, First Aid is always at the top of my list.

The main household kit is in a kitchen cabinet that is reserved for ONLY first Aid material....

A smaller kit is in the basement/workshop area, then there's one in the Go Bag, then there's my EMT soft style Jump bag in the trunk of the car, and a smaller standard size commercial kit under the front seat, so if someone's with me and we come upon something they can grab that one....

Then there's a basic kit in each backpack for family members...

Then in the basement I have a large box of supplies to re-stock whatever gets used....

I have a strict policy with the family to re-stock after each use, and I check them every 6 months or so....

Each family member has been certified in Advanced ARC First Aid, and CPR...
Thanks for listening.... stay safe