Today is bleak on The History Channel. Among the more interesting segments is this forthcoming asteroid I must not have paid much attention to previously. Discovered in 2004. Below is an info link at NASA. Very interesting.

By then maybe I'll be able to evacuate in my Doug Ritter Survival SUV - 90 mpg, 6-wheel drive, 500-horse power with solar backup turbo water purifier, gazillion lumen lednithium headlights, carbonfiberinium full-tang fishing pole wrapped in duct tape + three fish hooks.

I will have bought two of them. And may perish while I'm torn over whether to take the blue DR Survival SUV, the red one, or loan one to the carless neighbors.

Seriously, interesting link. And if DR does perfect a survival suv... I will buy it. ;-)

On April 13th--Friday the 13th--2029, millions of people are going to go outside, look up and marvel at their good luck. A point of light will be gliding across the sky, faster than many satellites, brighter than most stars.

What's so lucky about that? It's asteroid 2004 MN4 ... not hitting Earth.

For a while astronomers thought it might.

Edited by Dagny (07/25/09 09:22 PM)