Originally Posted By: dweste
Originally Posted By: Denis

I guess a problem with discussing this is actually trying to picture a situation we'd find ourselves in where, in an urban environment, we'd actually have to forage for food to survive off of.


A very, very bad situation if all you have is foraging for plants. Maybe the kind we try to prepare for here?

And, of course, in almost any lesser emergency situation wouldn't it be nice to stretch your supplies and add something nutritious and tasty?

dweste is on.

One of the bigger things to consider is the economic situation. While it's bad enugh now here in the U.S., there are things that could lead it to taking a turn for the worse. IF we have a situation involving a devaluation of the dollar, or your local currency, food shortages are likely. Iceland had a currency collapse and shortages the last year. See: http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000360_Iceland_banking_crisis_food_supply.html

I think one of the scenarios that could exist is a series of compounded problems. If economic crisis precedes natural or other disasters, then relief provided to victims could be insufficient. If pandemic precedes natural disaster, then the same could occur. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Also, crisis need not be everyone's. If you are having your own economic crisis, then foraging could stretch your supplies and savings.

Edited by Dan_McI (07/23/09 10:54 AM)