I'm kind of the opposite.

I have a leatherman too, and I rarely use the blade on that. I carry a much cheaper Sog Flash II (compared to your sebbie) and it's my "go to" utility knife. I use it to cut cardboard, open packages, cut rope, mark steel when I`m working in the garage, cut wires, etc. I use it for a lot of "hard" things and it's lasted me many years (about needs replaced now). For 50 bucks, and the use I get out of it I`ll never not carry it or a knife like it + the leatherman.

The leatherman I use for the pliers, screw drivers, and the blade is used for cutting "nicer" things that won't do it harm.

I think you may be carrying TOOOOOOO nice of a pocket knife for EDC maybe you aren't using it for more because of that?

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