After 9/11, a lot of people who work in DC began keeping sneakers at work (many probably buried in credenzas now). Some of us added a backpack with essentials such as a flashlight. I would advise those who could face a longer hike to keep a small backpack in their office that contains supplies appropriate to the season, including:

sneakers + socks
waterproof parka + hat
map (may take a different route walking than when driving)
flashlight/headlamp + batteries
small radio (you'll hunger for news)
pen and paper (small moleskin is great)
eyeglasses, if needed
energy bar
First Aid
cotton bandannas (many uses)
pepper spray

Obviously in winter this should include warm gloves, hat, etc. In summer I'd want powdered Gatorade in there.

Edited by Dagny (07/13/09 04:47 PM)