It is a good website, well put together from a man talking from experience.

One thing i have always done since working in the international security industry is have my life tidied away. That means all my valuable paperwork stored in one place easy to get at in short notice or found by loved ones. I also made copies of everything and sent a set to my mother and brother. I still do this nowadays as a pdf file.

The reason i did (and still do this) was if i ended up getting killed it would lesson the stress to my family and loved ones whilst sorting out my affairs, everything is in one place and they have copies.

I had never really considered it as part of a disaster readiness plan until i read the above website last year but my plan was always to grab it if the SHTF.

My point is it has a use other than just in times of emergency and can really benefit and ease the stress to your loved ones if you are suddenly killed.

Edited by PureSurvival (07/13/09 02:02 PM)