i'll throw my two cents worth in---
the photo was taken while i was trying to set up an old canvas tent i got at a yard sale..just behind the tent tubeing you can see my tomato patch.i started a few years ago with just a small raised bed then a friend who bought a couple fruit trees gave me the big plastic pots they came in..i cut the bottoms out and worked them into the garden a bit and filled with compost and soil..the dirt is loose enought that the roots really took hold and i think the black pots pick up heat to help the plant grow better.watering is a snap and the dirt never gets waterlogged.this was taken sometime in May and now you can't see the pots for the growth..

P.S.--as you can see the canoe dogs are hard on the backyard-

Edited by CANOEDOGS (07/11/09 01:32 AM)