I am fond of quoting Dirty Harry, a man's got to know his limitations, one of mine is food storage. My family maintains a separate pantry with 3-4 months of food in it, 75% things we can eat almost every day. I'm happy to say my wife has gotten into it, without her level of organization I would probably have alot of inedible but long-term shelf stable stuff only. But we can't sustain much longer than 3-4 months of food, and every year when we do a quick inventory we tend to pull 25% as it approaches its expiration - that goes to a food bank, as cans of soup, chicken and chili are still good and nourishing, just not as likely to be eaten in our household before their nominal expiration date. We don't naturally eat out of cans, we tend to eat fresh food almost every day. It takes more maintenance than we can muster to have more food than this in reserve, so I'm just grateful to keep a good 3-4 month supply that doesn't go to waste or a once a year automatic food bank donation. However I have learned a few food supply tricks from the mass care folks at Red Cross (proactively labelling for expiration), maybe those will rub off.