Glad to know someone else has enjoyed those yurts here besides me. I recall one spring we were staying at Beverly Beach in a Yurt and as I was tending fire one night and the girls were entertaining themselves I heard the strangest noise moving towards us in the woods. It sounded like something big was rushing through the trees. Suddenly, as the noise overtook us, the night opened up with pellets of ice so thick it was like a bucket was dumped on my head. We quickly ran into the Yurt, covered with hail, and watched as it literally smothered my fire out and turned the entire campground into a sheet of gray. It made a racket on the roof of the Yurt, and I would be concerned what it might've done to a tent out there. I've never seen hail come down so heavy, despite it being relatively small (polystyrene bead size in this case).

We had so many different adventures along the Oregon coast with the kids when they were growing up. How I long to return there someday and show my grandchildren similar adventures, assuming it lasts that long.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)