As far as any door only providing 30 seconds of security, that isn't the case either.

There have been times when the fire department has been called to some of our commercial buildings. They've tried and failed to get through some of our rear man-doors using Halligan bars (basically big crow bars) and sledgehammers. After that, they usually resort to cutting the door with a gas powered cut-off saw.

Do they eventually get through? Sure. How long does it take? I'm not sure as they always get there before I do and when I do get there I open the door with the key if they still haven't gotten through yet, but it's at least a few minutes and it requires making a lot of noise. Both of which fit into my expectations of what a simple, but security rated, entry way should do.

Fact is, houses are typically some of the least secure buildings out there. Just a little security, properly installed, can go a long way to slowing someone down or making your house/apartment less appealing than your neighbors.