Haven't really considered the throat mike and don't think that is a viable option. MTE doesn't like supplying us with much more then the hand mike, and even that was a PITA to get; had to wait till the 'right' person was in the tool room to get it otherwise you would be told "You don't need that."

The reason I'm leaning towards a chest pack right now is these Harmony radios tend to turn themselves off when in a back pocket with hand mike over shoulder. When RX/TX they keypad lock isn't active and the power button will power it down (big surprise there, right?), it makes for many frustrated moments when supervisors/coworkers finally get ahold of you and then you get the reaming for having your radio off. The other reason is organization. I could just stuff all my work essentials in the chest pack (notebooks, pocketknife, pens/pencils, small tape measure, etc) and not have to swap them from one pair of coveralls to the next.