I enjoyed it too, good entertainment. You could tell that Will Ferrell was legitimately sh*t scared from the rapels, but he followed through, he may not have rapeled from a heli before but he had obviously had enough training to get over his trust in the rope issues. And you could also see just how tired he was at the end of day one, when they were making camp. I've been there, you don't want to move, you just want Bear or the camera crew to set up camp and let you collapse and sleep. Instead they feasted on caribou eyeball, which was a funny sequence.

Overall I think the drop site had to have been well-scouted, and the sequence of challenges cleared with Ferrell and his people. The distance traveled wasn't very far but would challenge someone not used to snow travel. How fortunate to find the caribou carcass exactly where they needed one, the intact caribou skin gave them ground warmth for the first night (along with whatever sleeping bags the camera crew carried with them). The cornice breaking off on the first rapel seemed legitimate, but I wouldn't doubt a second crew member behind Ferrell holding Bear's belay.

They had a lot of assists on this one even if the above were just coincidences, but its entertainment and not meant to be done by anyone else.

Damn you Bear Gryllis.