Well my currently under the bed stuff consists of:

4 rifle cases (.22 to 30-30, 12ga and one air rifle used for varmit control. All locked)

2 pairs of shoes (they are under the bed because the window is on myside and broken glass in my feet is something I have already experienced twice in my life and refuse to allow to happen again.)

Next to bed:
Bag with all personal doccuments.
Platic tote with home first aid kit inside.
Black dimond head lamp on top of first aid kit.
longsleve shirt appropriate to nighttime lows.
Pants I wore during the day with all my EDC stuff in pockets/pouches (SAK, 4"Folder, cell phone, fenix p2d flashlight, pen and paper, I.D.)

On top of Dresser:
2 folders and a fixed blade knife.
Hats (ball cap and beanie)

In Dresser:
Handgun and loaded mag stored seprately (Seperated to make sure I am awake before chambering a round.)
3 Flashlights (incase the other two fail to work)
Large fixed blade

All my other disaster gear is in the extra room in grab bags or labled boxes.