I agree that most burglars don't pick locks. They go through unlocked doors, open windows and into garages left open to kick in the kitchen door.

No one, and I mean no one, can make a totally secure lock. All you are doing is slowing the bad guy down to make it not cost/time effective to break into your house and force him to move along to someone else. I've seen great doors with crap locks, crap doors with great locks and about everything in between. 90% of doors can be opened with a small prybar or a screwdriver. By making your door just a little tougher, the guy moves on and someone else becomes a crime statistic.

One of my pet peeves was the decorative locksets sold at homeless depot (I worked, past tense, there). One lock, a dead bolt. No handle lock. No provisions for a second lock. I talked many people out of these.

To fool some burglars, get some alarm company stickers. Prominently place them in windows. Now take the fridge magnets, cut one up into pieces and put a slice in each window frame. some guys check windows and doors with a compass to see if they are alarmed - magnetic relays make the needle move. Fake em out if you don't have an alarm.