The HFCS economics and health implications are astounding. The subsidy since the mid 1990s to HFSC produces has been estimated at $40 Billion. (nearly 10 million metric tonnes of HFCS produced anually)

A $40 Billion subsidy would provide enough micro-generation solar PV electricity to supply over 8 million households (5-6 large cities the size of Los Angeles) at a typical $5000 installation for a 1 kW system (around 1800 kW hr/year for each household, enough to cover energy efficient lighting, refrigeration, cooking etc with the end users not having to pay another electricity bill for the next 30 years.

Considering the health implications where the average citizen may typically be consuming 32kg of HFSC per year (more than a lb a week) its almost as if the HFCS subsidy is a boon for the agrochemical/pharmaceutical industry with the same corporate executives on the boards of the HFSC producers, the food manufacturers, the media communications and the pharmaceutical corporate industries. Anyone would think it was a coordinated government corporate conspiracy to get everyone fat at the expense of the environment. whistle

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (06/02/09 02:23 PM)