Something tells me if she was on Elliot she wasn't exactly, um, attractive???

I remember narrowly missing mangling my pickup in the vehicle pileup on Millcreek in downtown Walla Walla when a young lady with a rather ample set of exposed attributes was determinedly walking along the side of the road with a very angry demeanor. Her rhythm was remarkable, and I reckon the other two fellas who ended up crashed into one another felt the same as me. Pure admiration!!! But there was no way in heck I was gonna get out of that truck to offer her assistance. I have a feeling she'd have decked me right outta my boots. Instead I just smiled and waved, sittin' on my bag o' seed.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)