Laissez le bon temps rouler!!!

Happy Hurricane Season to you,
Happy Hurricane Season to you,
Happy Hurricane Season, dear wiiildmaaan,
Happy Hurricane Season toooo yooooou!

I'm with you, it's lock and load time, (or time to finish up locking and loading).

Note of reassurance: even though you're not able to get all your self-required tasks done as you want to, I'll wager you're still light years ahead of the rest of us...

I've been nagging my co-workers on a weekly basis, but most of them haven't done diddly squat. This is after Gustav plunged us into darkness for weeks on end last year. (I was only out for about 5 days but there were folks in outlying areas down for several weeks).

I want to beat them with a stick sometimes, and remind them that they are not going to rely on me. I've told them preemptively that they are S.O.L.

samhain autumnwood