No, I don't feel under siege. I'm throttling back on unnecessary spending and developing a couple of side micro-businesses, but nothing gut wrenching so far. I suspect there's more trouble ahead and I'm keeping a weather eye out for inflation; but there are still plenty of opportunities.

A reality check: in this country, we produce more food than we can eat, we produce more energy than we can burn, our banks are solid, we don't lose our healthcare if we lose a job, and people kinda sorta look out for each other. It's not paradise, and we have lots of tough challenges; but compared to 98% of humans on Earth we are very fortunate, and very blessed.

It's none of my business, picard120, but if you're feeling really depressed all the time, you should talk with a medical doctor. Events in life can send people into a negative spiral that they can't climb out of on their own. It's no more shameful than having a broken leg, and it's just as debilitating.

My $0.02.