Here's an update.....

Too late for the PTA program. I'm going to the fallback option. I am going to take the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) 1-year certificate course at a local college. Having been in the military I have been a round alot of non-English speakers and have managed to get thoughts across OK. I spent one whole military course (4-weeks) basically interpreting for a Turkish captain. He and I managed to pass the course. (He couldn't have failed anyway; he would have been shot or hung upon return for "disgracing his country".)

Since I already have my Master's I can just take the concentration courses and "attach" the certificate to my Master's. During the year I'll also try to set-up the other things for the PTA course.

Thanks to all for their encouraging words and great advice.
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor