You know, I gave up trying to explain my preparedness. I just smile when someone asks for something and I just reach in my pocket and hand something to them. My wife just rolls her eyes, but I have very carefully placed things in her purse and car that will help her out in the event of an emergency, and I made sure she knows how to use them.

Being a Marine, I get a lot of wierd looks about the stuff I carry, i.e. my Swisstool, Leatherman micra, pill case, ftender and lighter, and photon lights in three colors, but when someone needs something, I just hand it over and I get lots of appreciative nods from my fellow Marines.

Bottom line for me is I figured out long ago that I have to look out for my family and me first, then worry about others, they will be the ones I will have to worry about in an emergency situation.

On occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use. - Epictetus