Check the news, the Senate just today passed a bill changing some of the fundamental ways that credit card issuers will be allowed to work. The House is expected to pass it and the President is expected to sign it with the week.

It gives credit card issuers 9 months to change their ways, I would expect some very serious upheaval in the consumer credit card business in the next year.

As for your friend, will they have any reportable income? If so, and they can prove it, they should be able to get credit assuming that they're otherwise a good risk.

If they're a member of a credit union perhaps they could look into a "signature loan" to pay off the credit card debt?

A friend of mine just sold her house, she is retired and lives on investments and social security, she was able to get financing on a new home and a motor home based on her reportable income and she hasn't worked since 2005. Of course these were both secured debts.


"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen