When you are stripped of all your tools, all you have is your ability to adapt. Depending on anything other than yourself is putting you in harms way. Unfortunately, our society makes us dependent people-dependent on others, on gadgets, on almost everything. Case in point; I had to go survey a field yesterday for a parade this weekend. I sat down & drew a rough sketch of the field, where everything was laid out, etc. I put a North arrow pointing roughly in the northern direction. The two people with me we completely amazed I knew where north was "instinctively". I merely pointed out to them that the sun sets it the west...I sorta figured it out from there (it was almost 7PM at this point). Point of the story is, people are so reliant on everything else to get their information, they tune themselves out. Then, when the chips are down, they have no one to rely upon but themselves-and, sadly, at that point, no experience to draw upon.
my adventures