My bed is close to the floor. There's just room for the crow-bar I keep there. It's about 2 feet long, and hopefully better than nothing if I have to dig my way out. If the bed collapses it may be inaccessible, but then I'm no worse off than if it wasn't there.

In the bedside table I keep 4 litres of water. Something to keep me going if I have to wait for other people to dig me out.

On the table I dump some of my core EDC. Specifically, my keyring, which I grab if I have to get up and go to the front door for some reason. It also has a whistle, small torch and suchlike. My EDC torch goes there too, and again that often gets used for non-emergencies. Finally, my mobile phone. I might get a call during the night, or I might need to call out. The phone charger is by the bed, too, so I often charge it overnight.

It's perhaps worth mentioning that my bed is positioned under a large window that is the emergency exit for the house. I'm on the second floor, but it opens onto a flat roof so it's a reasonable way out, at least if I have shoes.

The most likely natural threats for me are probably fire and tornado. We get very small earthquakes that are little more than a joke every few years. Maybe a larger one every 100 years. Tornadoes are more common, but only affect a small number of homes so you'd have to be really unlucky.
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