Was wondering something very interesting. Since most folks have a cell phone, and since text msgs take less to transmit, and can sometimes go thru when calls can't, has anyone experimented with sending a text msg to a site knowing someone is always on it...say someone's home email. I've sent photos from my phone to my email and downloaded them onto my computer, so I can't see why this wouldn't work. In fact, as soon as I'm done with this reply, I'll try it and see if I can post to this website, or at least send a text to my home email. If successful, all it would take, assuming you're familiar with texting to begin with, is to tell someone, preferably 2-3 people, to check their emails regularly while your out in the wilderness. Also, take a spare fully charged battery with you when you go also. I do that with my digital camera as well.
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud