Originally Posted By: Arney
[quote=LED]However, I will not be hiring Doug as my maid since every carpet will be bleached, every wooden floor rotted through, and every door knob horribly corroded in my house! wink

LOL! That would be wise. According to DW I am barely housebroken as it is. :-)

Anyway, I didn't mean to jump all over you; no offense intended. Good explanation of cleaning vs. disinfecting in your post. You're exactly right

To provide a bit of context, I've been engaged in trench warfare with deer mice in and around my place. Hantavirus is a definite risk (there have been fatalities around here). So I go kinda ballistic when some folks I know break out the 5% vinegar and incense, no respiratory protection, and pooh-pooh my annoying little rant (which I can back up with documented fact -- argh!)

'Nuff from me. On with the discussion!