Originally Posted By: sodak

I refuse to pay any bills on line. Not nearly enough safeguards. I once took out a car loan that way, and swore I'd never make that mistake again, and I haven't.

OK, let me give you some perspective on that point.
First of all, you're at more risk with paper-based ID theft than with "cyber theft". MUCH more. Again, the losers in the fraud game are more the merchants and less the consumers, so there's been a LOT of security stuff implemented that I can't go into but it's good. The nice thing is that there's this tireless and constant monitor of your accounts when you do stuff online, you just can't watch as closely with paper.

Secondly, in the last 3 years, the progress in online bill payment has been extensive. It's easier, faster and free.

Finally, A car loan is NOT online bill payment, that's a loan application, a totally different beast.