Sounds like there isn't a major issue with keeping cr123's within devices for long periods of time. I'll go with this approach and just check on them twice or more a year. I was hoping for this response!


Family is doing great. Couldn't have asked for better boys. Last night both slept 6 hours strait at the same time (first night this happened). They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, so not doing too bad ;-)! I know this will change tomorrow when all heck will break loose for the full night, but for now, trying to enjoy getting some sleep (been a rough few weeks). Thanks for asking!


No need to access these items quickly... there are other items in the pack (or bag) that are the 'first line'. This is more like a modular psk that takes the functionality of the pack i'm using and increases my chances of surviving. I jump around bags a lot so this is a very modular approach to keeping the same stuff with me.
"One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"
William of Ockham (1285-1349)