My son's birthday was this week and I'm so excited I just had to share this with the forum...

Some recent threads here got me thinking about my (misspent) youth and some of the activities we enjoyed back then. In particular, the hours of fun that came with owning a simple slingshot. So after some serious thought I set about to research what was available today and if it might be a good gift for my son.

Well it turns out that Trumark is still in business and going strong. For those of you from my era might remember, these are the folks that put wrist-brace slingshots on the map. I checked the other makers but kept coming back to this one and finally ordered it...

Trumark FS-1 at SlingshotsUSA

But as you might imagine, I got so caught up in the idea of sharing a part of my past with my son (and daughter) that I ordered two. Along with safety glasses, ammo, etc.

Fast forward several days and the package arrives. I've been teasing my son and giving hints all week. He finally tears into it and his eyes light up. I was half worried that in a day of video games and iPods that a lowly slingshot will not have much appeal to him. Boy was I wrong!

The entire family had the obligatory discussions around safety, rules, responsibility, etc. But then we spent some of the best quality time we have ever had together... for the next three hours.

We shot, laughed, shot, competed, shot, talked, shot some more. And wouldn't you know it, the little $#^@ outshoots me and knocks down more plastic bottles! -huge smile- We had gone to a place where folks walk past and the smiles of rememberance and admiration on parents and grandparents faces was something to behold.

At one point during all this he turns to me and says "Dad, this is way better than any video game" The look in his eyes about choked me up. And I suppose I should mention how he gets out of bed later that night, comes upstairs and hugs me and says thanks. Then without another word plods back to his bed.

Today my daughter is home too and we are already talking about building a simple plywood backstop/catch. She can't wait to try them out!

The bottom line? Your mileage may vary, but this has to go down in my history as the best $10.95 I've ever spent!

The lowly slingshot... enjoy the simple gifts life offers,
