Originally Posted By: comms
good thought EdD270. your of course correct.I am well known by friends to terribly abuse my gear through use. not b/c I am wasteful but I practice its ability. I replace (from use) almost every item in my EDC 1x per year, Some pieces like the fire/tender gear much more often.

Just trying to lighten my load in my EDC and maybe buy some new kit. I have a GI lensatic & an original Silva Ranger that are my gold standards and if I think i need that level of preparedness it goes on my body. But think a 'simple' baseplate compass would do well for daily carry in urb/suburb environment

In that case, may I suggest a Marble's or similar small compass, either plain or pin-on, for urban use where navigation is not a problem but simple direction finding is desired. These are about 1 1/4" diam.x1/2" or so. Easy to carry, and they do show North-South, etc., usually graduated in 5 deg. imcrements.
"Most men take the straight and narrow. A few take the road less traveled. I chose to cut through the woods." ~Unknown~