
Are you looking for something for hand scrubbing and wound cleaning, or are you looking for something to put on a wound prior to applying a dressing? The reason I'm asking is because it is easy to get the terms antiseptic and antibiotic turned around sometimes. I am not a doctor, and probably get them turned around as much or more than others.

If you are looking for something for hand scrubbing, I'd recommend soap and hot water. It's hard to beat soap and water. For wound cleaning, betadine is good, but if memory serves, it stings, and will stain skin and clothing.

If your sister is going to be working with the Indian people, she may want to see if she will run into any cultural problems if she stains someone's skin, clothing or bedding. Things that we don't give a second thought in our culture could be really be frowned on in another culture.

If Betadine stings, adults may tolerate it, but you can bet that children will raise a ruckus. If your sister is going to be working with children or adults that have already been through the wringer (or would just prefer not getting hurt any more), something that does not sting may be preferable.

Personally, I like Bactine for cleaning wounds. It is available in bottles and also in individually-packed towelettes. Bactine has a pleasant scent, definitely not like a doctor's office (sorry, beachdoc), does not sting or stain, and it kills germs.

If you are looking for something to apply to the wound prior to applying a dressing, I'd recommend using something like Neosporin or Neosporin with Pain Relief. You can get them in tubes of various sizes. You can also get Neosporin in 1/32 ounce foil packets, which can be really handy. You may also be able to get the Neosporin with Pain Relief in the packets, but I was unable to find it when I was shopping for them. I like Neosporin because it kills bacteria and really promotes healing. I have read that one should avoid the triple antibiotics, as some people have allergic reactions to them. I agree with this, as I have seen someone break out in a rash due to using a triple antibiotic. It's bad enough to need the stuff in the first place without adding a rash to the problem!