Originally Posted By: UncleGoo
Make sure you get all the pigeon poop--from the roof--out of your water. sick

And keep it for black powder!

I've got nothing really. If I'm kept that closed in, then I guess midnight break-ins at the local grocer are out of the question, unless it's bad enough to risk their wrath. BTW, I'm absolutely SHOCKED at how much food comes in dry/packaged form. I kind of thought pasta only. There's couscous, pasta, milk, oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, flax, flour, kool-aid and their kin, rice, various spices (tomato sauce/powder, etc)... you could really, really store a lot of food in a single 5-gal bucket or a under-the-bed tupperware container.

But, alas, water is key to most of those foods too!