Originally Posted By: MDinana
Ha! At least they're benign, right?

Per the Vicoden shortage, it's probably cuz all my lovely fellow Detroit citizens are hogging them. I swear, this city needs an enema, followed by Narcan in the city water supply.

If you're having that much trouble, ask the doc for Norco instead. Same active ingredient, just less acetominophen in them. 325mg per pill vs 500mg per pill. However, do realize that the daily max on tylenol is 4000mg, so if you decide to pop a few extra tylenol, do the math to add them in with whichever drug you choose!

(Plus, a Norco addict is much rarer than a vicoden addict!)

Agree with all you stated except a caveat to your last statement. Just because there are fewer addicts who know about Norco doesn't mean it isn't a red flag drug. We busted an addict doctor shopping based on my suspicions when he specifically requested Norco from the doc. Addicts like to think they are sneaky, but they stick out (usually) like a sore thumb.

Addicts who think they are smart like the Norco more due to the lower acetaminophen levels, so their livers won't konk out so fast.

Someone specifically asking for Norco can be perceived as suspicious, even if they are totally innocent. But if Blast were to tell the doc he can't get Vicoden d/t the backorder, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it.
When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.